Print ads

Out with the old

In the past, Chittenden Solid Waste District marketing efforts suffered from a lack of focus and inconsistent brand identity.

CSWD ad circa 2009
CSWD ad circa 2008

In with the new

In 2018, I worked with Stride Creative Group in Burlington, VT to refresh and standardize the CSWD logo and brand, including an ad template to create a more uniform look and feel.

I wrote and designed these print ads for two separate campaigns.

Rethink waste was a print campaign created to reframe the idea of waste and help generate public support for future investments in infrastructure projects. It was part of a series that included “Waste is a resource,” “Waste is not our legacy.”

Recycle like you live here was a print ad for a multimedia campaign (including video, radio, print, and social media) that highlighted dangerous and dirty items that don’t belong in the recycling bin. Learn more about this campaign.

Waste is a design flaw
Recycle like you live here


Waste is a design flaw

The landfill is a temporary solution. it only delays our problems for another generation to solve. At CSWD, we are working to design a better system that gives you more opportunities to recycle – and reduce our reliance on the landfill. Together, we can rethink waste in our community.

Recycle like you live here

There are real people who sort your recycling. The wrong items make their job gross – or downright dangerous. Put only paper, cardboard, and clean containers (like bottles, cans, jars & tubs) in the recycling bin.